Here are a list of some of the strangest weed laws from across the world
Some weird international weed laws
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A blog about Weeed, Cannabis and Goodies.
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What is the best music to listen to when you're high?
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You may have come across the term Reefer whilst reading about cannabis, well we have the answers.
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Opioid addiction is a big problem in modern society. But can marijuana help to ease withdrawal symptoms for those looking to quit their opioid abuse? Different strains of cannabis have different effects on the body and mind, so which strain is best suited for helping to fight addiction ...
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Glaucoma is the disease most likely to cause irreversible blindness. Sufferers of glaucoma experience elevated intraocular pressure, which, along with other factors, can lead to damage of the optic nerve. This, in turn, can lead to temporary vision loss and eventually blindness. Traditional treatments for glaucoma include eye drops, pills ...
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Is it possible to continue a normal life while taking MMJ? What are the side effects of MMJ
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Can I use cannabis to be more creative? Which cannabis strains are best for creativity? Find out!
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One of our writers currently lives in Amsterdam and this is a series of coffeeshop reviews