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How do Weed Delivery Services Work?

How do weed delivery services work?

Weed Direct to Your Door

They are the next logical step in an ever growing industry. Buying your weed in certain areas has never been easier! There are many sketchy pot stores across the growing number of states with legalized weed. The problem with this is that it's not always possible to guarantee that you're smoking what you think you're smoking. With weed having massively varying effects between indica and sativa, it is important to know what you're smoking. If you want to relax you want to gravitate towards more of an Indica dominant strain, for example. Weed delivery services make this possible, without having to drive all the way to your nearest licensed dispensary, which could be far away.

Is it legal?

Before considering using a weed delivery service you have to know whether it's legal for you. This means you have to live in a state where medical marijuana is legal. You also need a prescription and a note from a doctor in order to get a Medical Marijuana “green card”. Finally, you have to register with the dispensary that the delivery service delivers for in your area. Once you've done this you're golden and you can order the finest quality marijuana without having to leave the couch.

Guaranteed Dispensary Quality

One thing we can all agree is that when it comes to weed, quality matters. The difference between good weed and bad weed is stark. The differences between the different types of weeds is stark. It is important therefore to be confident in your supplies. With weed delivery services taking their stock directly from medical marijuana dispensaries this quality is guaranteed. That means when you're smoking sour diesel you know it's sour diesel. When I was growing up in Britain there was no regulated market. This meant that you would be buying weed and you'd have no idea what kind of weed it was. People would say they had strawberry haze and blue cheese and make up any name under the sun. The problem with this is that you never know what you're smoking. With a weed delivery service what you order is what you get. The weights are all correctly measured and the standard is amongst the highest.


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